Day of a (Kind of) Professional Musician


I’m a little busy this week, so these are probably going to be shorter posts. Or at least as short as I can get my verbose self to be. Although my main problem is organizing my thoughts, not thinking of more things to say… Anyway. I’m going to give you a glimpse into my version of a Day of a Professional Musician ™.


In the mornings, I start out by getting out of bed. (Off to a strong start, I know.) I take a while to get going physically in the morning, so getting out of bed is definitely A Step.

Next, I make tea. Tea is very important. Do not go without tea, because tea is delightful. How can you have a good morning if you don’t take time to make a cup of tea (well, I use a mug) and sit down to enjoy it? But for real though, this is my time to wake up and get my mind organized for the rest of the day. With the tea, I will either read or write, and get the gray matter going.

Mornings are also for plant care, because that’s starting to take a bit of time (oh nooo). I go around and check to make sure that everyone is doing alright, check soil to see if anyone needs water, and make sure the spider mites aren’t invading again. This is also my time for yoga, when I yoga. I’m not great at yoging sans studio, and right now I am sans studio.

Next up is food. Food is good.


IT’S PRACTICE TIME, BABY. In the afternoon, I closet myself with my violin and we spend some hopefully quality time together; and if it isn’t quality at least it’s time! Right?! That’s definitely how that works!*


Cool time skip, right? Evenings are for either rehearsals (or concerts), or if I have the night off, I do chores, or work… or, let’s be real, I take the night off. Also I eat dinner. That’s a thing.

Weird Days

Some days are weird. These are days with morning rehearsals. I don’t like them. But I guess they’re also a Day of a Professional Musician.

Ok I’m busy so bye for today. I still love you.

*That’s not how that works.

day of a professional musician cat