How to Practice

This week, for Music Monday, let’s learn how to practice!* I’ve commissioned Mr. Butters to help demonstrate; he’s a great meowdel!

Whiskers of Mr. Butters cat
I’m a what?

1. Don’t

Oh no

2. Cry

(Tears are simulated)

3. Repeat

Maybe how to practice being a cat
Stuck in a lööp

And there you have it, now you know how to practice!

*What’s that? These steps don’t seem quite right, you say? But they’ve been vigorously tested by musicians around the world! …

How to Practice

Ok. So I am working on actual real content for this, but humor is more fun! Also I told Saxman that I was going to do a series on practicing (or at least one post), and I thought the best place to start would be the philosophy of practice. His reaction was, let’s say, less than enthusiastic. Thankfully for you, I’m writing this, and not him, and you’re going to get that philosophy I know you crave! Just not today.

In the meantime, check out some more pictures of Butters, this time without my super awesome photo editing additions! Or if you’re tired of my shenanigans and actually need to know how to practice, Bulletproof Musician has this much more boring post. Then you can come back here later for the FUN. PHILOSOPHY FUN. Also known as THE BEST FUN.