Plants and Poetry: A Moment of Zen

It’s a rainy day here today, so I’ve pulled some rainy poetry and zen plants for you to enjoy. Just take a moment to relax and breathe, and maybe see what floats to the surface of your mind.

It sounded as if the Streets were running
And then–the Streets stood still–
Eclipse–was all we could see at the Window
And Awe–was all we could feel.

By and by–the boldest stope out of his Covert
To see if Time was there–
Nature was in an Opal Apron,
Mixing fresher Air.

Emily Dickinson

zen orchid: poetry in plants

Stars, I have seen them fall,
But when they drop and die
No star is lost at all
From all the star-sown sky.
The toil of all that be
Helps not the primal fault;
It rains into the sea,
And still the sea is salt.

-A. E. Housman

Whether the living river
Began in bog or lake,
The world is what was given,
The world is what we make.
And we only can discover
Life in the life we make.

So let the water sizzle
Upon the gleaming slates,
There will be sunshine after
When the rain abates
And rain returning duly
When the sun abates.

-Louis MacNeice

If you still need more plants, because more plants are always better, check out some of my plant profiles!

Zen: Plants and Poetry Thoughts

This zen plants and poetry moment is brought to you by me. If you like me, you should subscribe to me for more of these totally awesome things. And if you don’t like me, that’s ok too. No one is obliged to like everyone, or even anyone; I do hope that there is someone you do like, though. Finally, my apologies to mobile readers who probably had some formatting issues with the poetry on this (horribly not zen, I know). I did my best.