Thoughts of an Emory Rosenow

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Latest Posts:

  • Great Books Roundup of 2021
    A bit overdue, but here we are. 2021 has definitely ended. Probably. If you perchance wish to bury your face in a book (which would be weird, considering how great the world is right now), hopefully you can find some here that pique your interest — or that you might now know to avoid.
  • The Story of Democracy?
    Let’s go win democracy! First you find your Main Character, then you fight your battle harder than the others, then YOU HAVE WON!
  • Who Are You, or Is Your Personality Your Facebook Profile?
    Is it possible that, by sectioning off parts of your life (facets of your personality?) that you aren’t being true to yourself? Could it be the case that when you behave differently around your children compared to when you’re at work you lack integrity?
  • The Reconciliation in Truth and Reconciliation
    Last week I started in on the topic of Truth and Reconciliation by examining the truth. Now it’s time for more thoughts on reconciliation than you ever cared to read! In order to reach reconciliation, we must first have a common truth, a common history. After all, what is history but the story we tell to explain our present? The dead don’t care what we say.
  • Truth and Reconciliation: Thoughts on Truth
    If you’ve been here before, you know that I like musing on basic subjects: fear, isolation, motivation, fear again. For my sanity, I’m going to break my thoughts on Truth and Reconciliation down in a similar way. The logical place to start then is with truth.

Thoughts of an Emory Rosenow?

If you’re lucky (or unlucky) enough to be here, welcome! I won’t say that there’s something for everyone here, but I do promise some variety. There’s plenty of cat for the internet, houseplants for the new age of apartment living, and, of course, lots of thoughts! I also do my best to cite my sources on whatever I’m talking about. Too many blogs and online assorted writings don’t bother to cite sources, even though the internet makes it almost painfully easy. To my mind, that’s just adding to the already rampant confusion and misinformation online, and I’m not about that life!

That said, if there’s something that you think is factually incorrect, please let me know! There is a comment section attached to each blog post that you are welcome to avail yourself of. If there’s something you disagree with, also feel free to comment, as long as you keep it civil. I’m not looking to make twitter 2.0 here. I do have unlimited mod powers that I am willing to let go to my head. After all, my name is on the site.