Mr. Butters: Essential Objects

Everyone has some essential keepsake objects they would grab in an emergency: grandma’s ring, photo albums, that signed piece of cool memorabilia, whatever. What you reach for can say a lot about you, so choose carefully or we’ll all judge you. Today we’ll find out what Mr. Butters considers essential, and you can judge his choices!

Mr. Green

Is he a seal? Is he a dinosaur? The world may never know. What we do know is that he is very green, and an essential companion to Mr. Butters. Mr. Green moves about mysteriously, only when no one is watching – and you never know where he is going to show up next! It’s unclear what exactly Mr. Butters thinks Mr. Green is (prey? kitten? friend?), but they have some sort of close connection.

Mr. Butters Mr. Green
Mr. Green at the vet

Scratcher Tunnel

Mr. Butters holding court
Greetings, Human. Welcome to my office.

An important part of any cat’s collection is a scratching post of some kind. These provide a place to stretch and play and release aggression and, yes, scratch safely. Cats have scent glands in their paws, so this is also a way of marking their territory. Even though he’s too big to use it as a tunnel, Mr. Butters enjoys using his scratching tunnel – especially when catnip is involved!

Cat Bed

This soft, fluffy bed is a newer addition to the collection, but it has quickly become a Mr. Butters essential! It’s the perfect size for a Butters-size cat, which also means it’s big enough for a person to use as a chair – which is good, because that’s what it took to convince Mr. Butters that it wouldn’t eat him. Even if he doesn’t use it at night, because sleeping close to his people is more important, this cat bed is great for those all-important daytime naps!

Time for Thoughts: What do you think these say about Mr. Butters’ priorities? Think about what you would consider to be your essentials, and what you think they say about you. Does that accurately reflect how you see yourself?

3 thoughts on “Mr. Butters: Essential Objects

  1. He is living the minimalist lifestyle for sure, but I know one thing! You can never have too much Butters!!!

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